




    「Time flies...When you're having fun!!!」 (光陰矢のごとし...それは楽しい時) 第7回

    • [2022年12月27日]
    • ID:1792






    ヨーロッパ大陸やアメリカと違って、イギリスでは、母の日を「Mothering Sunday[育児の日曜日]」と呼び、3月に祝います。必ず四旬節[復活祭前日までの40日間]の第4日曜日にあり、今年は3月14日です。この日に子ども達はお母さんに手作りのカードと野の花を贈ります。

    最近は自分でカードを作る人が少なくなりましたが、カードは中のメッセージが最も大切です。 イギリス人は控え目で、あまり気持ちを口にしない人だと言われています。しかし、カードで心を込めて文章を書くことは大切なこととされています。もらう人の為にメッセージを書くことが理想です。みなさん、今年は特別な日に友人や家族に短い手紙や手作りのカードを贈ってみませんか。

    Not Food, but Cards

    In Japan, gifts often come in the form of food. It is said that this is because people prefer gifts that can be consumed. However, in the West it is far more common to send something more permanent and individual, often in the form of a card. When Japanese people travel, rather than send a postcard from their destination, they bring back the speciality of the area. In the West, on the other hand, it is common to send a postcard to friends or family while away on holiday.

    British people in particular send cards on many occasions throughout the year. For example, the sending and receiving of Christmas cards is a wide-spread tradition, and many people display theirs around the living room as part of the Christmas decorations. People also send cards on special occasions such as birthdays or anniversaries. On St. Valentine's Day, it is common to exchange cards with close friends and even send one to the person you fancy, "from your secret admirer." Unlike the rest of Europe and America, British people celebrate Mother's Day, known as Mothering Sunday, in March. It always falls on the 4th Sunday of Lent [the 40 days leading up to Easter Sunday]; this year it falls on the 14th. On Mothering Sunday, children often give their mother hand-made cards and wild flowers.

    These days fewer and fewer people make cards but, nevertheless, it is the message inside which is important. British people are reserved and are not known for expressing their emotions. Still, they appreciate a heart-felt message. Ideally, one should write something individual for the recipient. Why don't you try writing a short letter or making a card for a friend or family member on a special occasion this year?



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