An Introduction to Kyotanabe 京田辺市(きょうたなべし)の紹介(しょうかい)
- [2018年2月28日]
- ID:624
Kyotanabe City is conveniently located between the cities of Kyoto, Osaka, and Nara. In addition to its highly accessible location, it is also surrounded by plenty of nature. Despite the national population decline, Kyotanabe's population continues to steadily increase as more families with children move into the city.
Home to "Tsutsukinomiya" (present day Tatara), which was once the ancient capital of Japan for a few years, Kyotanabe succeeds various traditional events and cultural activities to this day. Additionally, Dosishia University and Doshisha Women's College of Liberal Arts both have campuses located within Kyotanabe City, giving the city an important role in the "Kansai Science City" and its cutting-edge technology. This combination of tradition and education creates a unique culture which integrates both new and old.
Kyotanabe is a lively and exceptionally convenient city where generations can live a healthy and happy lifestyle
Kyotanabe Tourism Association (別ウインドウで開く) 京田辺市観光協会(きょうたなべしかんこうきょうかい) (*Japanese *にほんごのみ)
Area 面積(めんせき) | 42.92 km2 |
Number of Households世帯数(せたいすう) | 31,827 |
Male Population男(おとこ) | 35,036 |
Female Population女(おんな) | 36,779 |
Total Population総人口(そうじんこう) | 71,815 |
Location 位置図
Source 参考:
Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism 国土交通省
kokudo sūichi jōhō (gyōsei kuiki) 国土数値情報(行政区域)
City Emblem 市章(ししょう)
City Tree 市の木(しのき)
Chinese Tallow Tree (Nankin-haze) なんきんはぜ
City Flower 市の花(しのはな)
Hirado Azalea (Hirado Tsutsuji) ひらどつつじ