
 京都・大阪・奈良の中間に位置し、大都市へのアクセスや豊かな自然に恵まれる本市は、令和4年4月に市制施行25周年を迎えました。 古くは筒城宮が遷都された地として、また最先端の科学技術を誇る関西文化学術研究都市の一翼を担うまちとして、新旧の文化を融合し、新たな文化を創造しています。 また、子どもを生み育てやすい環境が整った本市では、若い世代を中心に人口増加が進み、新名神高速道路の全線開通や北陸新幹線の新駅設置など、未来に向けた大きなポテンシャルを秘めたまちとしても発展し続けています。 そして、今後も先人から引き継いだ自然と都市との調和あるまちづくりをしっかりと継承し、本市の都市像である「緑豊かで健康な文化田園都市」と、私の政策理念である「いつまでも住み続けたいと思えるまち」の実現を目指してまいります。京田辺市長34543213撮影日:令和4年8月29日1新名神高速道路(八幡京田辺JCT・IC)23第二京阪道路(京田辺松井IC)京田辺PA  JR松井山手駅  甘南備山5Located between Kyoto, Osaka, and Nara, our city is conveniently accessible from major urban areas and, at the same time, is blessed with abundant natural surroundings. In April 2020, we celebrated the 25th anniversary of Kyotanabe’s incorporation as a municipality.As a former capital of Japan and home to Tsutsuki-no-Miya Palace, but also as a city that plays an important role in the Kansai Science City project of cutting-edge technologies and scientific accomplishments, Kyotanabe combines old and new cultures to create a uniquely distinctive culture.Additionally, thanks to the many initiatives that make it easy to raise children, the city’s population is on the rise, particularly with regard to the younger generations. Also, our city is constantly working to achieve its potential with an eye to the future, with projects like the opening of the entire Shin-Meishin Expressway and the establishment of a new station in Kyotanabe along the Hokuriku Shinkansen line.. We are firmly determined to carry forward the model of town development that we have inherited from our predecessors, one that emphasizes harmony between nature and the urban environment and will continue to strive to realize my governing philosophy of creating a town where everyone wants to live forever, in line with our city's image as a verdant and wholesome cultural garden city. Takashi KamimuraMayor of Kyotanabe City03ごあいさつごあいさつ

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