
 するこEggplantsVarious kinds of local specialties are grown in a rich, natural environment. The local specialties that were carefully tended during cultivation are highly popular nationwide, which include eggplants, gyokuro (high quality green tea), Kyoto bamboo shoots specially harvested in the morning, and ebi-imo which is also one of the Kyoto brand products. In order to solve problesuccessors and an aging society, the city municipal government works to support educational projects for the next generations of farmers and the developmarkets by organizing a training course and other activities.ms related to the lack of ment of An abundance of delicious food設をな図家どっ養、で成新京い塾阪みまの神ずす開市み担子。講確保てたなう品地下なarttA支援に担取いり組んあ産品の数々。売所くの人ある4良場でずしいは 「や手栽選人く培の果気日千水が育場で持両に盛成のすち2 恵ん・新。も号粘まで農良い」 とれ土す質、。のの古京い土く都壌か田とら辺市手での後はで育れど継家足成や不養す業者ま事い農成も栽や塾販。全培高を路国に京開齢開で手の講化拓すない高人間を暇ラブの業す事対なる策なや気豊かとどどン玉をかけしのド種豊な茄で富す、なの、 朝露って誇自な然で、こだ品て産た堀い環わりま境るりたすでえのけ。育び特のまい産これも品、るなは特どBamboo shoots朝に堀多すり。たけ旬けのののこ季が質こと節訪のをしでれ た求てま管けめ栽理すのて培さこ。、され月れで直た、たてに竹京いは林都けま、で山採城のctive cityれた16

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